DateCodeGenie® Labels

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Make your automated labels & stickers pop with colour

Your DateCodeGenie® already lets you print black and white custom labels on demand. With pre-printed, full colour DateCodeGenie labels, you enhance your brand recognition even further while maintaining your ability to customise labels with unique information—such as barcodes, QR codes and allergens.

We offer pre-printed, full colour DateCodeGenie labels and stickers in various sizes and shapes to fit your specific needs.

To learn more about the properties behind the label, visit our Materials page.

Select shape *
Select size *
Select Material *
Select Varnish *
Cost price
Product Code
Cutter code
Nr across
£1,636.24 incl VAT
Attr: Shape | Value: DCG Circle
Attr: Size | Value: 50.8mm x 50.8mm
Attr: Material | Value: White Paper Permanent
Attr: Varnish | Value: Gloss
Attr: Catfish_ME_Canvas | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_CanvasSize | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_NumPages | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_OutputType | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_SpineWidth | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_Stock | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_Weight | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_Width | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_Height | Value:
Attr: Catfish_ME_NumRecords | Value:
Attr: Cost price | Value:
Attr: Cost code | Value:
Attr: Cutter code | Value:
Attr: Nr across | Value:
!!! materialChoice:White Paper Permanent
!!! labelSize:50.8mm x 50.8mm
!!! labelShape:DCG Circle
!!! quantity:10000
White Paper Permanent
White Paper Permanent
White Paper Removable
White Paper Permanent
White Paper Permanent
White Paper Permanent
Could not find cutter ROW
minTier qty: 10000
minTier price: 1363.53
maxTier qty: 20000
maxTier price: 1479.51
!!! unitPrice:0.136353
£0.136353 / label excl. VAT
Instantly brand retail items

Communicate unique product information, such as weight, expiration date and price, while increasing your brand awareness.

Protect grab and go items

Secure grab and go items while conveying key information, such as prices, weights, allergen warnings, QR codes and barcodes.

Boost food allergy awareness

Help customers recognise food that contains allergens or sensitive ingredients. A small sticker makes a big difference.

Need more information?

Click either button below to learn more about the design and ordering process.